Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

   Another month of October is coming to an end.  Tonight Joe and I went to a Halloween costume party at a friend's house.  I dressed as Twister (the game) and my husband was Where's Waldo.  The costumes were tons of fun.  It has been a while since I dressed up for Halloween.  I kind of missed it.  It was fun this week with the kids in my classes, since kids love Halloween.  I was able to do a few Halloween themed activities, and I gave out Halloween pencils during writing.  Happy Halloween everyone. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rain or Snow

    We have all experienced these days.  There is some form of severe weather outside.  Maybe it is a killer lightning storm with harsh winds, or snow falling so fast that you can no longer see where you parked your car.  Be that as it may, there are always those days when you just want to stay inside.  Though we probably wouldn't have any severe winter weather like I experienced in New Hampshire, North Carolina has days when you just feel like staying inside.  So what to do?  Here are a few things I like to do until nature is through: 

1.  Curl up with a blanket on the coach and watch your favorite movie. 
2.  Read a book that you have been putting off. 
3.  Bake cookies.  This is especially good on a cold winter day. 
4.  Day dream about my next vacation or otherwise plan where I would like to go. 
5.  Play scrabble or another board game with my husband while drinking hot chocolate. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Busy, Busy

    So the last few weeks have been packed like the beach on the fourth of July and the rest of the year is going to go by in a similar fashion.  Right now I am working on my resume.  I plan to start looking for jobs in November.  My student teaching internship is already half way done, since I had my mid-term evaluation this week.  I also have multiple projects and papers that I am currently working on.  I am going to start a class newsletter for the remainder of my internship as well.  That should help keep me busy. 

    Next month, I am a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding.  Joe is also the best man in the same wedding.  I just picked up my dress from being steamed yesterday.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Student Teaching and Other Updates

    A couple weeks have gone by since my last update on student teaching and my semester so far. Student teaching is going well. So far math has been easiest and most interesting to teach. So much has changed in how math is taught since I was a kid, so many times I have to brush up on my math skills. There is a lot less memorization then there used to be in math, and I have to keep that in mind when I teach. Today's students are expected to understand the why behind math and not just memorize how to complete the problems. Place value. addition, and subtraction is taught using something called base 10 blocks. The blocks come in either 1, 10, 100, or 1,000 and can be added together to represent numbers. Borrowing and carrying for addition and subtraction and now called regrouping and is many times taught through using these base 10 blocks.

    Well, that is it for now. I’m looking forward to a busy week ahead. This weekend is my husband Joe and I’s 6 year wedding anniversary. He has a bad virus or flu or some sort right now, so hopefully he will feel better by this weekend, and I don’t get sick. That way we can enjoy a day together. I think we are going to Old Salem in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There is one of my favorite restaurants out there and it is just so beautiful to walk around with the old buildings and tall oak and maple trees.