Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bucket List

    I am starting to compile a bucket list. A list of things I want to do before I die. I wanted to share a few of the items. I have already completed a few items on the list including getting married, buying a house, living in another state, and getting a bachelor's degree. Here are a few other items I have on my list:

• Complete my master's degree (MAT in Special Education)
• Visit Paris (and other European Destinations)
• Write my childhood memoir
• Publish my first book
• Take a class at Harvard
• Live in a European Country
• Open a bed and breakfast
• Drive Across the Country
• Write a book of poetry
• Take a cruise


  1. I have thought about some of the things on my list, but I haven't written those things down yet. All the things you listed above before you listed the items are on my list, plus visiting Europe, having children, etc etc.

  2. I recently watched the "Bucket List" movie from Netflix. Looks like you have a great start on several items on your list!
