Friday, July 30, 2010

What I Love About Writing

    For years, writing has been an outlet for me—a way to express myself when others weren't around. I grew found of it from very young. Writing was my favorite part of elementary school. I looked forward to writing more than anything else (other than maybe art class). In third grade, I wrote a 36 page long story about the adventures of a cat. I already loved cats by that age as well, but I didn't have any cats until I was moved out of my parents’ house. In fourth grade, I decided I would start to write a book, and I would take paper out to the playground and write instead of hanging out with the kids on the playground. I had a friend who would hang out and talk to me while I wrote. It was the best way to spend recess in my mind. I wasn't very social when I was a child. Something I will get more into in my book. When I got a little older, writing was a way for me to shine when I was struggling in other subjects due to my reading disability.

    Today writing is still an outlet. I can make the rules when I write. I can write about what I want and when I want to write about it. I can write about stuff I would never tell anyone, and stuff I want the world to know about. It is a way for me to be creative and to shed light on important issues, such as the book I am working on about dyslexia and my experiences growing up with a reading disability. Far more people can be reached through writing than through just telling a story or account verbally.

    I hope to find more time to write once my degree is done. For now, it is a few blog posts, a couple of poems here and there, and the little time I have to work on the first draft of my book.


  1. I never knew that you wrote a 36-page book when you were in 3rd grade. That's cute! I used to love to do journal writing when I was younger, but lost interest in writing when I started to write papers (same with reading when I had to read textbooks).

  2. What grade would you say you lost interest? I have always loved writing, but I didn't read much as a kid other than some children's poetry books and what we read in class.

  3. In college with all the textbooks.
