Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Decision Made About Student Teaching

    I am very happy to announce that I have made a decision related to student teaching. My special education license covers mild to moderate disabilities from kindergarten to twelfth grade, so a large span of selection. I am very excited about teaching, since I will be able to work with children with learning disabilities and ADHD, which is an area that I am very interested in and very passionate about.

    At first, I wanted to student teach in a high school. I have always wanted to teach high school, and I had so much difficulty in high school that I felt this is where I really wanted to provide the extra support these students need. I also don't have much experience with young children, so I wasn't sure how I would be around younger kids. At one point I said I never wanted to teach elementary school. I would have been happy to skip over my field experience in elementary school, but it was required. Meredith College requires field experience for special education in high school, middle school, and elementary school. As nervous as I was about working with the elementary school kids, and even though I wasn't overly interested in that age, I am really glad I did it. I was able to experience what it is like to work with younger kids and what it was like to work with emerging literacy skills, which I find very rewarding. I really enjoy going in for field experience this semester at the elementary school.

    Originally, I had told my advisor I was going to student teach at a high school. Then, I started spending more time at the elementary school and tutoring this student in reading, which I am really enjoying. The more time I spend with the elementary school students, the more I am enjoying working with them.

    After I completed my math methods homework today, I was thinking about my student teaching. I was thinking about the large amount of math required in high school, and math isn't my favorite subject. I enjoy English. I bet everyone knew that, since I am writing a blog and a book. I love to write. I always have, and I always will. I also know how important it is to provide appropriate literacy education in elementary school, and I know I could make an impact with elementary school students. Due to these factors and after many hours of consideration, I decided to change my student teaching from high school to elementary school. My student teaching will start in August 2010, so only a few months from now. Even if I don't end up teaching elementary school, it will still be a good experience to have a strong foundation in teaching basic reading, writing, and math skills.

    Since the semester is nearing an end (36 days left), things are getting very busy. I have multiple assignments to work on for the end of the week. I do have some extra days off though for Easter, so I don't actually have another physical class to attend until next Tuesday. I am trying to stay sane when possible.

    On another note, I just heard that Stephenie Myer is releasing a novella related to the Twilight series entitled, “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.” It will be available on June 5, so during my summer semester. Good thing it is only 192 pages.

    Thanks for reading and check back soon for more updates.


  1. Isn't it funny how we can totally change our minds just by getting exposed to something new? Also, I'm sure you can help kids have a better high school experience by preparing them when they are in elementary. Best of luck in student teaching!

  2. Thanks Kristie. I am really looking forward to student teaching. It should be a great experience.
