Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Traveling List, etc.

    Many of you know that I love to travel. I have already mentioned some of my travels on this blog. One of my favorite books is "1,000 Places to See Before You Die" (and "1,000 Places to See Before You Die U.S. and Canada Edition"). Whenever I travel anywhere's, I always check to see what places are listed in those two books. When I see a new place, I check it off in the books. I have been known to call these books the travel bible.

    As much as I love "1,000 Places to See Before You Die," there are some places that I have been to which I have loved that are not in this book or books. No one has seen every place on this planet and even if both Patricia Schultz and I had visited all the same places, we might differ as to which places we really love and think everyone should see. Everyone's travel interests are different.

    Joe and I went to Mt. Airy, North Carolina yesterday. Just a day trip, but we wanted to get out for the day. Mt. Airy is the hometown of Andy Griffith and has many Mayberry attractions. It had the cutest downtown, with lots of shops, a winery, a museum to the history of the area, and the world's largest open-face granite quarry. We drove by the home that Andy Griffith grew up in, which we found out that you can rent for a getaway. We ate at Snappy's for lunch. We had to stand in a line outside to get in. It was the place to be. We had the most expensive sandwich on the menu, which was $4.00, the Pork Chop sandwich. It's Snappy's signature sandwich. There is plenty of other stuff to do in the area as well. It would be a nice weekend getaway in a bed and breakfast. We had a great time.

    On the way home I commented to Joe that I should start a list of places I have visited that I think everyone should visit in their lifetimes (some places that are obvious and some places that are not so well known). Sometimes the places you would never have thought of visiting end up being a great destination. I don't know if it is a book idea or not, but it would be fun to put together such a list.

    My memoir is coming along slowly. At this point I am calling it "Struggling with Words." It is almost the end of March, so I guess there is no way of me having a rough draft done by the end of the month. I have been so busy with school; I haven't even worked on it in the past week. There is still a good amount of work before I could say I have a first draft done. It will take me at least another two or three months to get the first draft done. I am hoping I can have the first draft done by the end of June, but that all depends on how crazy school gets.

    Now, I think I should get to my homework. I added a list of my favorite nonfiction books to my blog page.  I will update my blog again soon. 

Mount Airy, NC
The Website for "1,000 Places to See Before You Die"

1 comment:

  1. it sounds like you had a great day with Joe. :) I agree, sometimes you can find such nice getaways that are not well known. We're thinking about going to Canada for the day when we live in Michigan to a city called "London" (2 hours west of Toronto) which isn not a huge travel destination, but there is lots to see and do there. I'll have to get that book when I move back to the states.
